
The following poems were wrote by me for various classes that I have taken throughout my high school and junior high school career.

Fear Majordomo

I saw fear clearly.
He was a large old chap.
He turned and wandered aimlessly.
I saw his glazed eyes.
I heard his voice quiver.
And I felt that I saw not only him but also his stooge.

Life's Translucent Moment

Life is an apparition.
Sometimes just barely their.
Sometimes completely transparent.
It wonders unnoticed.
It works unseen.
It can be odd, a new wonder at every moment.
The unknown is life's future.
And the apparition is unknown.
Life is an apparition.
And it may forever more be.

Even the Sun is Insignificant

The sun is the number one living knife,
Even though it kills, it gives us our life. 

The sun is our friend, but not in the end.
Destruct it will, but it gives us our life. 

At the moment the great destruction comes,
The new beasts will say, it gives us our life.

What you do now, under the sun, will not
Effect the cosmos, it gives us our life.

So I urge you to live free and see the
Task of the cosmos, it gives us our life.

Anger Trance

Anger, "Happiness, where is your reality?"
Happiness, "Anger, where is your Zen?"
Anger, "Happiness, you need me."
Happiness, "Anger, you sicken me not."
Optimist, "Anger comes between happiness."
Pessimist, "Happiness comes between anger."
Let happiness come between anger.
Anger only when you sleep.


Rain drips on the roof.
Not a one hears his soft drops.
Yet all eat at night.

The lightning bugs pulse,
Brighter than the night sky.
Of course.  But, of course.

The lake of the day,
Which is shallow and stagnant,
Glistens by night light.

Copyright, Ryan Kuester, ©.