Learn to Spell

I've recently talked to some people who can not spell.  I am providing this dictionary for download for those very souls.  Use it, learn it, and read it for fun.  Your vocabulary will increase quickly, along with your spelling skills.

A wise man once said:  
The potential is there in all of us to become absolutely great people.

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Word of the Moment


Definition: 1)  Of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Rosaceae.
2)  Having a dusty purplish pink color.

Past Words of the Moment

Definition:  Of female homosexuality.  (adj.)

Definition:  1)  A noxious atmosphere or influence.
2)  A poisonous atmosphere formerly thought to rise from swamps and putrid matter and cause disease.

Definition:  The eighth power of a number.  Example:  The zenzizenzizenzic of 2, or 28, is 256.