Forwards for Dullards

I have begun this collection of "Forwards for Dullards" as a place to deposit all of the absolutely lame forwards I receive daily.  Who in their right mind would believe these?

Forward I (Received from Lindsey)

Your Screen Name has Been Added to the ß®øöô¥ £.¼ Hackers List! Here is how we work. Because we master MSN, everytime this letter is sent out a copy is also instantly send to us. We then scan out all the names, and place them on our hackers list. Once you send out this letter 10 times your name again is instantly removed from our list. If this letter is not sent out exactly 45 minutes after you have opened it your name will not be able to be removed from our hacking list. Here is what happened when your name is stuck on the ß®øöô¥ £.¼ hackers list. -Your MSN Instant messenger password is pulled out of MSN'S files. Stupidly MSN stores your password on a password access website. We have cracked the password needed and have access to every account except for MSN guides (cat guides). We gain your credit card number, social security number, and home address.

-Your credit card information and home address is stored at the MSN site and with that we can gain your social security number. Everytime you sign on HOTMAIL, OR MSN INSTANT MESSENGER your account will be messed around with and much, much more with the power of ß®øöô¥ £.¼ hackers.

-Don't believe this? We don't care at all because not following the directions given will harm you in over 10 ways. All you have to do is send this out to 10 people and you will never have to worry about this again. If you receive this letter again after sending it out you don't need to send it out again, because your name is not able to be put back on.

-Why are we doing this? It is to get back at MSN, and we are taking action.